Bands of lake effect snow are expected this weekend across the Great Lakes region as favorable surface wind direction moves over the warmer waters and onto the colder land. Bands will be narrow, but if they're slow moving or stationary could put down high snow totals in isolated areas.

Check out some of the higher totals from the last 24 hours:
More snow is expected over the next 48 hours. Accumulations will generally be light, and impacts will be relatively minor. But still take care driving, roads can still be slippery without a ton of snow! Overnight snow will become more widespread in spots as the Alberta clipper system rolls through. The snow from the clipper will be on top of any lake effect snow that fell earlier Saturday.

Wrap around moisture on the back side of the Alberta clipper surface low. and winds from the west-northwest will aid in more lake effect snow bands across the Midwest and Great Lakes Sunday afternoon. Meanwhile more light but widespread system snow will be happening in the Ohio Valley and western New York.

As the low moves away Monday, a few more bursts of snow are possible along the eastern shores of the lakes throughout the day.

Impacts will be relatively minor, but spots highlighted in yellow will be affected more than surrounding areas. These more affected areas can change depending on where the heavy bands of snow set up.

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