Opening day of baseball season comes early this year. March 29 will mark first pitch of the 2018 MLB season.
WeatherNation spoke with meteorologist for the
Minnesota Twins, Mace Michaels to find out how weather impacts baseball play.
"The biggest thing we have to worry about is rain... when it will move in, and when it will move out," explains Michaels. He also says wind can sometimes cause trouble, as well as early season snowfall!
Some games have been impacted in the past on opening day. Michaels says that Detroit and Cleveland have had some of the most problematic weather on opening day, with significant snow cancelling games in 2016. Michaels says the New York Yankees also had a similar situation in 2008 for opening day.
Are you planning on heading to a game this season? You can always count on WeatherNation to give you
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