Last week, NOAA's
Climate Prediction Center issued their
90 day forecast covering July, August, and September. Heat is the main headline, as most of the nation has odds favoring warmer than normal temperatures over the period. The middle of the nation near Missouri and Arkansas has equal chances for above or below average temperatures - the only area not highlighted by warmth.
Wetter than average conditions are forecast for most of the Plains, Ohio Valley, Middle Atlantic, and the Southeast. Drier than normal weather is expected in the Rockies and Northwest. This will likely lead to a worsening of drought conditions in the West.
Current land surface conditions,
dynamical model forecast guidance, statistical based tools and global trends were the main influences used to support the outlook,
according to the CPC. With neutral sea surface temperatures observed in the Pacific Ocean, La Nina or El Nino conditions are not expected to have an affect on global patterns.