The year opened up with the Super Blue Blood Moon on January 31. The Super Blue Blood Moon was a trifecta of events, but now another astronomical event is in play this weekend. While it's not as impressive as the Super Blue Blood Moon, Saturday's moon is one of the three seen in the trifecta. Saturday's moon will be a blue moon and we won't see another one until the year 2020 on Halloween night.
Super Blue Blood Moon Explained
Don't let the name "blue moon" fool you, the color doesn't change like it does during a "blood moon" or lunar eclipse. A blue moon is simply a term used for a full moon when it is the second full moon to fall during the same calendar month. Despite this year's double blue moon event, on average a blue moon occurs about once every two to three years.
If you get a great shot of the blue moon Saturday night, be sure to send it to WeatherNation via
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Josh Cozart