Photos Courtesy of Stellarium
You may have seen headlines about a planetary alignment in early June, but you may want to temper your expectations before you wake up early to get a glimpse of this "parade of planets." Right around sunrise on Monday, June 3rd, a handful of planets will form a line (from Earth's perspective). Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn will all be above the east and southeastern horizon (image below). But how many of these planets will be visible to a naked-eye observer?
Waking up an hour before sunrise (featured image, top of page) will grant a view of Saturn, Mars, and the moon! Long-exposure photography might yield a faint Neptune as well, but don't expect to see it without a camera.
If you wake up just before sunrise, all six planets mentioned previously will be above the horizon, but due to their proximity to the sun and their low magnitude in the sky, only Jupiter may be visible. Mercury and Uranus will be in the line of planets, but they won't be visible.
Even though some planets may not be visible, seeing four planets in line with the moon is still an incredible sight! So, get up early and look to the eastern horizon early Monday if that sounds appealing. Happy planet hunting!