Mississippi River water levels are forecast to rise over the next few days due to recent heavy rain and this could be exacerbated due to heavy rain still in the forecast this weekend, meaning that flooding could likely threaten areas along the river from Iowa to Missouri.
Here's a look at a few river level forecasts for locations along the Mississippi River. All show rising water levels.

The Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri is forecast to reach 32 feet, which would exceed "minor" floor stage.

The Mississippi River at Clarksville is forecast to reach 31.5 feet, which would exceed "Moderate" flood stage.

The Mississippi River at Burlington is forecast to reach 18.2 feet, which would exceed "Major" flood stage.

The Mississippi River at Keithsburg is forecast to reach 17.4 feet, which would exceed "Major" flood stage.
Tune into WeatherNation for the latest on the rain forecast across the nation.
For WeatherNation, I am Meteorologist Marcus Walter.