Aerial Photographer Troy Morgan is living a career dream he’s been passionate about since he was a teenager.
"I just always enjoyed flying," Morgan said, the owner of
Photos from the Air. "I’ve always enjoyed scenery, and over time very fortunate to combine that into a business."

With almost a decade of experience behind him and owning his own aerial photography business, Morgan knows that weather always play a huge role with every flight.
"Not only does that affect our go/no go decision but also our ability to capture the photos that our clients need," said Morgan.
Once cleared for take-off, it’s time to start the engines and the photography adventure begins. The weather continues to play a crucial impact in flight -- it can shorten the duration time or make quite the bumpy ride with too much turbulence.
"Not only is it uncomfortable but it still affects our ability to take steady photos throughout the orbit so we have to compensate and find ways to still provide the best possible imagery to our clients," Morgan explained. "We want a nice sunny day if it’s either the morning or the afternoon, whichever way the building faces and gets the proper sunlight is when we want to fly. Cloud buildup is a huge challenge because we really don’t want cloud shadows on the ground and the clouds have to be high enough so not only we can fly safely but also provide the imagery."
While a majority of his work is photographing commercial properties, every now and then he gets a unique opportunity to capture weather events, like a damage path from a tornado in Colorado to the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in Florida.

"Planning was very important and also the speed to document everything before any repairs could be made," Morgan said.
But no matter where in the United States the job might take him, Morgan says his favorite part? The view as far as the eye can see from the cockpit!
"The unique thing of traveling is that it’s something different every day!" Morgan said.