In case you missed the post on
our social media account, our own Meteorologist Karissa Klos conducted a live weather discussion about the ongoing severe weather. In the video below, she takes you into our WeatherNation studio to talk with fellow Meteorologists David Neal and Chris Bianchi.
Feel free to play through the video to specific topics you are curious about. If you'd like to read more about the severe weather threat and the forecast for it,
follow this link to the story we have posted earlier.
Severe wind gusts and flash flooding will be today's biggest weather hazards. We've shared the National Weather Service's information regarding both situations below. We'll continue to keep you updated on air and on-line throughout the night.
Credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service
Credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service
For WeatherNation, Meteorologist Steve Glazier