Our Top 5 videos of the week will definitely “blow” you away one way or another!
https://youtu.be/AxAO3pyZwOo1) It was movie night in the Denver area, but something else ended up stealing the show! Gusty winds carried countless inflatable mattresses that were out for Movies in the Park across the field and even into a pool area!
2) Damaging winds also launched a canopy into the sky in a backyard in Union Bridge, MD. Some of the gusts were between 60 to 70 miles per hour with the severe storms that moved through this area.
3) We love time lapses here at WeatherNation, and these next three videos showcase some of the best of the week! Powerful storms moved through the Gateway City, showing how quickly the weather can change.
4) In Minnesota, a supercell was caught on camera in this suburb north of Minneapolis. This storm did not produce a tornado, but there were a half of dozen within one day that formed in other parts of the state.
5) And finally a cool science lesson this video from Nebraska! First, you see mammatus clouds which are pouches of descending air. A little bit later, the clouds moved away and toward the camera, evidence of wind shear!
Do you think you can top these Top 5? Be sure to send us your best weather videos! Share your best weather video with us on social media. Find @WeatherNation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for a chance to be featured in our weekly top 5. (Read WeatherNation Terms of Service) For WeatherNation, Meteorologist Meredith Garofalo