In these final days of winter (the Spring Equinox is Thursday, March 19) the Lower 48 will see a split between very cold and very warm temperatures. If you live farther north (and especially northwest) you'll feel a cool end to winter. If you live in the south (and emphasis in the southeast) you'll feel much warmer!
First let's begin with the temperature outlook beginning Friday and into the weekend.
High temperature forecast Friday, March 13
High temperature forecast Saturday, March 14
High temperature forecast Sunday, March 15
The immediate southern United States will feel the warmth through the final weekend of winter as penetrating cold fronts only make it to about Interstate 40.
Friday will be a particularly warm day in Florida, much like the rest of the weekend in the Sunshine State, with potential record heat! Take a look at the temperature forecast below.
High temperature forecast Friday, March 13
On the opposite side of the country, the Pacific Northwest will feel winter's chill heading into the final weekend of the season. Temperatures here may break records for the coldest daytime highs or even coldest nighttime lows.
Low temperature forecast Saturday, March 14
Low temperature forecast Sunday, March 15
For the final week of winter, beginning Monday the 16th of March, expect colder weather to take over much of the West. The opposite can be expected in the East with much warmer weather to wrap up the end of the season.
The temperature outlook from Monday to Friday, March 16-20 where blue and purple show high chances of colder-than-average temperature and red shows high chances of warmer-than-average temperature.
We should note, these phrases of "colder" and "warmer" are all relative to average temperature this time of the year. So for some folks it may not feel warm and cold.