Most of the nation is expected to feel plenty of summer's heat from July into September. The new 90 day outlook from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center has almost everywhere in the nation, minus the Upper Midwest, seeing warmer than normal temperatures. Drier than average weather is in the forecast for the Mississippi Valley and the Northwest. Welcome precipitation is anticipated in the Southwest with a wetter than normal forecast. The Middle Atlantic states are also predicted to see above normal precipitation.
The drought forecast shows improvement over most of the east and near the Four Corners due to the recent rains and a persistent subtropical moisture plume. Some drought development may be seen in New England and Texas, with conditions persisting in the desert areas of California, Nevada and Arizona.
The Climate Prediction Center states that neutral water temperature conditions are likely throughout the summer in the Pacific Ocean, with no La Nina or El Nino expected until later this year. The forecast was based primarily on observed conditions occurring now in the atmosphere and long range model forecasts.
For WeatherNation: Meteorologist Mace Michaels