Snow. Something Erie, PA is probably tired of talking about this season. In fact, the city is on pace for the record snowiest season on record.
So far this winter season, the city has received 136.5" of incredible 88" more than a normal year.
The city was clobbered with more than 60" of snow in a single lake effect snow event in December,
prompting a state of emergency for the city. December, by far, was the big player in the seasonal snow, with nearly 121" in that month alone!
With potentially a few more months to go before warmer weather arrives for good, the city could be in for it's snowiest year on record.
The snowiest season occurred in the 2000-2001 season, when 149.1" of snow fell in the city (
according to date from the National Weather Service).
With less than 13" to go, we'll be watching the record books closely through the rest of the season for you, Erie.

Erie PA snow from December 2017.