It's A Record: Hottest September In Modern Day

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14 Oct 2020 3:36 PM
Earth just had its hottest September in modern recorded history and 2020 is on pace to be in the top 3 all-time hottest years globally, according to NOAA. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA for short, announced Wednesday that the land and ocean temperatures combined to produce the #1 warmest September since 1880. Globally, the land and sea surface temperature was +1.75 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the 20th-century average of 59F. This ranks as warmest for all Septembers in the 141-year recorded history. The previously hottest Septembers occurred in 2015 and 2016, coming in at +1.71F to the 20th-century average. Noteworthy locations, over land, that experienced a record hot September were parts of Australia, Asia, Europe, and South America. Here are some of the highlights of September 2020 globally, courtesy NOAA. There are some statistics to pass along from the poles as well. Sea ice coverage (extent) across the Arctic was second-smallest on record for September, coming in at 38.8% below the 1981-2010 average ice extent. Only September 2012 had a smaller ice extent, according to NOAA. However, the Antarctic sea ice extent was above-average for September, ranking 13th-largest (in ice extent) in the 42-year period (satellite era). It has certainly been a hot year so far in 2020, too. Globally, we are on pace for a top 3 finish for hottest years on record across the globe. Year-to-date we are currently sitting in 2nd place at +1.84 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the 20th-century average. That value is only 0.07F shy of the hottest year recorded, 2016. This story was originally published by NOAA and you can access that article here. Images in this story are courtesy NOAA, NCEI, NSIDC and the University of Colorado.
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