Meteorological Spring Begins Today!

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1 Mar 2023 5:38 PM

Happy Meteorological Spring everyone! Unlike the astrological seasons, determined by the solstice and equinox and Earth's position around the sun the meteorological season begins on the first of the month. This helps with record keeping as the astrological season start data can change slightly each year. We gain a significant amount of daylight this month, partially to thank because of Daylight Saving Time beginning March 12 where we "spring forward"

Often times March is dubbed "in like a lion, out like a lamb" due to the fact that the weather patterns are quite active! March is the first of our busiest severe weather months. Tornadoes & severe storms favor the central U.S..

It will certainly feel more like late spring for parts of the Southeast with widespread record temperatures possible from Texas through Florida and up into the Ohio Valley. This is week two of record heat in the South - hopefully the hot trend doesn't continue for too long!

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