A potent winter storm has made its mark across the country. Bringing in daily record snowfall totals to snow-belt cities like Buffalo, New York! With 2-4"/hr snowfall rates and cold temperatures, our liquid to snowfall ratios increased, bringing in upwards of 2 feet of snow.
Some of the snowfall totals are impressive, with spots in New York and Ohio (with some lake enhancement) seeing well over a foot of snow!
Winter alerts remain in place up the spine of the Appalachians through New York and Maine for additional light snow accumulation. The biggest risk now will be travel as snow removal will likely be slow with some of the higher totals. Impacts are likely to be felt into Tuesday.
The lighter snow will hang around into the evening before coming to an end overnight.

The snow forecast has a couple additional inches likely closer to the Canadian Border. The heaviest of the snow has now moved out.

The Eastern Regional Forecast always plays at :10 past every hour. Stay tuned for more information on this developing story!