Dog Days of Summer: Chip's Tips & Dale's Don'ts

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7 Aug 2023 2:00 PM

The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, meaning it's the hottest time of the year extending from early July into mid-August. WeatherNation has all four paws covered with Chip’s Tips and Dale’s Don’ts so you and your furry friends can stay safe this season!

Meet Chip & Dale

Meet Meteorologist Lauren Bostwick and her fur baby, Chip! They have learned many "paw-some" tips on how to deal with Summer heat and festivities. Along with Meteorologist Lucy Bergemann and her rescue pup, Dale, who have quickly learned the bad to the bone don’ts of the season. Chip and Dale are here to help all Summer long!

Protect Pets Against Pesky Pest

Summertime is a prime time for creepy critters, like snakes, ticks, & mosquitoes. The pesky pests listed below can bring serious diseases and illnesses to your pet. So, that’s why Chip’s Tip is to know what creepy critters are in your area so you can appropriately protect your pet!

When Meteorologist Lucy Burgmann first adopted Dale, he was heartworm positive, contracted from mosquitos in northern Alabama. After a couple months on the right medication, he is now heartworm free! Dale’s Don’t is Don’t forget to protect your pet!

Overheating Signs

Make sure that your dog is staying cool and not overheating this Summer! Some serious signs of overheating in dogs include foaming at the mouth, acting lethargic, bright red tongue or gums, diarrhea, and vomiting.

If you notice your dog is showing any of these signs, then Chips tip is to transport them to an emergency vet immediately! Dales don’t is to never give an ice bath or douse them in cold water because it can shock their system, this can actually make things even worse for your furry friend.

Hot Car Safety

In the summer, Chip and Dale love to go on road trips! So, Chip's tip is to make sure everything is packed ahead of time before heading out for an adventure. Dales don’t is to never leave your pet inside a hot car. Even running in the store really quick can be dangerous for your furry friend!

For example, if the air temperature outside is 80-degrees, in just 10 minutes the car the temperature becomes 99 degrees, after 30 minutes 114 degrees, and over 120 degrees after an hour. The temperature in the car can be fatal for your pet in a matter of minutes!

Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool

Chip & Dale want to make sure your dog isn't a hot dog! Chip's Tip is to make sure that your dog has plenty of water, shade, and a cool treat, like frozen watermelon. Pups also love cooling off in a kiddie pool or playing in the sprinklers! Dale's Don't of the week is to never fully shave your dog. Believe it or not, the long fur actually keeps your pooch cool and prevents sunburns. The Chief Veterinary Officer at MOVET, Dr. Caldwell explains, "even the thicker coated breeds, will trap a layer of cooler air at the surface of the skin and for about a half inch or so from that surface outward, that will help them maintain a cooler body temperature."

Hot Paws

Temperatures are hot outside, but did you know that the asphalt and concrete can be even hotter during the heat of the day? To ensure your pups paws won't burn, a good test is to put your hand on the ground; if it's too hot for you, then it's too hot for your pooch.

The MOVET Chief Veterinary Officer in Denver, Colorado, Dr. Caldwell explains, “if you are going to do any longer hiking and walking, then the booties are going to be the best option for you.” Though the little booties are a great option for some dogs; unfortunately, they aren't the best option for others, like Chip, since he has a hard time walking in them. So, Chip's Tip of the week, is to walk either at night or in the morning since the pavement is much cooler on their paws. Dales Don't is to avoid walking on the concrete or asphalt during the heat of the afternoons.

Food Safety

BBQ season is in full swing and some foods are meant for sharing, while others are toxic for your pet.

The puppy dog eyes are hard to ignore, so here are a few foods that will make your dog say bone appétit: snacks like blueberries, carrots, & apples are paws-itively tasty treats. Other foods like watermelon, are great because it's packed full of nutrients and is a fun way to keep your pet cool and hydrated. However, other foods are bad to the bone. Dale's Don't is to never feed your pup these bad to the bone foods: grapes, chocolate, alcohol, & raw meat. 

An additional tip is to make sure the trash bag is in a place that your furry friend can’t get in to!

Fireworks Safety

The 4th of July firework show is typically more terrifying rather than thrilling for your furry friend!

This is why Chip's Tip is to leave your dog in a cozy room with a treat and calm music playing while out celebrating on Independence Day. Dale’s Don’t is to never take your four-legged companion to the celebrations. Be sure that they are well identified just in-case your dog does manage to get out!

Chip’s Tips and Dale’s Don’ts will be featured every week during the Dog Days of Summer. For your pet to be featured on WeatherNation, send in your videos and pictures to WeatherNation's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or email!

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