The first "sunrise" in 66 days happened Tuesday, January 23rd in the town of Utqiagvik, Alaska (formerly Barrow) from 1:09 PM AKT to 2:10 PM AKT. Unfortunately, cloud coverage led to a lack of actual sunshine in this cold northern Alaskan town. Back on November 18, 2023, Utqiagvik had its final sunset as the town entered what is called the "polar night".
Although we are finally seeing some daylight in our northern Alaskan towns, temperatures remain dangerously cold across the state. Overnight lows drop down as cold as 50+ below zero for north-central Alaska.
Wednesday's high temperatures also struggle across the state, but it is winter after all!
Conversely, northern Alaska experiences non-stop daylight around the Summer Solstice where the sun never sets for weeks on end.